sobota 28. listopadu 2015

Beauty Tips & Tricks Every Woman Needs to Know

Beauty Tips & Tricks Every Woman Needs to Know


Create more voluminous lashes with powder

If you want to make your lashes bigger and more voluminous, but you did not know how, just add some powder before you put on your mascara. Do it carefully with a brush and cover all of your lids. This way, after you apply your mascara, your lashes will have a volume like never before. The best part is that the powder will not cause any chunks of mascara clumping on your lashes.

 Use baby powder when you have greasy hair

The first day after you have washed your hair it is soft and clean, but on the next day not so much. Of course, you should now wash your hair every day, because this will lead to more oil producing and your hair will be even greasier. But walking around with greasy hair is not such a pretty picture as well. Just use baby powder on your hair. It will absorb any greasiness of your hair and people will be not able to tell whether your hair was not washed the same day. You can use this trick when you are in a hurry. 
 Use a tooth brush to exfoliate your lips
You know that you have to change your toothbrush every three months. When you buy a new one, however, do not be in a hurry to throw the old one. Just use it as an exfoliating tool. It is important to exfoliate your skin, especially in the winter. Exfoliating helps the blood flow in this body part to increase and can make the skin soft because the old skin cells are removed. You can easily exfoliate your lips and make them puffy and soft with your old toothbrush. Apply some Vaseline on your lips and start rubbing it using the toothbrush. Remember that you need to be gentle and do it slowly. 
Shimmery Colour
Apply a shimmery champagne colour in the inner corner of your eyes to brighten your whole face.

Coconut Oil
Use coconut oil as an all-natural eye makeup remover. It’s gentle, yet effective.

Use Lip Liner
Select a liner that is just a fraction of a shade darker than the lipstick you’re using and draw around the outside line of your lips. By applying the darker liner on the outside of the mouth, it will create a subtle 3D effect that makes lips look plumper.
Highlight the Outline
Making the outline of the lips lighter will create the illusion of bringing them forward. Use a highlighter to outline the top lip and the groove that runs from the top of the lip to nose, as well as the Cupid’s bow.

pondělí 23. listopadu 2015

Use Baking Soda Shampoo to Protect Your Hair From Hair Loss

Use Baking Soda Shampoo to Protect Your Hair From Hair Loss

Kim's hair is goal.

To be honest, who doesn't want to have a beautiful long hair? I DO. I am extremely lucky to have long healthy hair, but it doesn't come easy. You have to take care of your hair, in order to have healthy hair. 
I am not just washing my hair with the most expensive shampoo but I also eat healthy and I am taking vitamins. By saying most expensive shampoo, I mean just read the description of the shampoo, you don't have to have the most expensive shampoo but read the consistency of the shampoo. 

Why does your hair fall?

The fall is one of the seasons that is famous for having an effect over our bodies. If in the winter we should take care of our skin more because the cold weather dries it, and in the summer we should wear sun creams, because the sun ages our skin, in the fall, we should take care of our hair more because the fall is the season, which is famous for having the highest percentage of hair loss. 

Which are baking soda’s powers?
I have seen many post about this method, so lets try it. Baking soda turns out to be quite effective when it comes to our beauty secrets. You can also use it to clean your face and to remove dark circles under the eyes. You can also apply baking soda on your armpits and this way you will stop any unpleasant smell that could come from the sweating. The best part is that baking soda is quite cheap and you do not have to spend a lot of money on something that it may even not work. And even if baking soda has so many superpowers, today we are going to concentrate on only one of them, which is how you can use it to make your hair shiny, clean and thicker than it is.

How to use baking soda to reduce hair loss?
You will only need a package of backing soda and some water. The quantity depends on the length of your hair. If your hair is longer, for example, you are going to need more of the product. Here are the exact amount:
For medium length hair you will need: 1 part of baking soda and 3 parts of water. So, if you use tablespoons, you will need 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of water. Mix them all well and you have your shampoo. 
And if your hair is longer, you should use 3 parts baking soda and 9 parts water. So, if we again use tablespoons – 3 tablespoons basking soda, and 9 tablespoons water. 
After you have mixed it well, pour the solution in a squeezing bottle. This is the best kind of container, because this way you can apply the baking soda shampoo everywhere on your hair. And this point is important here, because you do not need to apply it only on the roots of your hair or the tips, but everywhere. 
Then leave your hair like this for about 3 minutes. While you are waiting you can wash your body and the time will be up. All you have left to do is to rinse your hair. Remember that you have to rinse it and not wash it with another shampoo, because this way the effect from the baking soda will be gone. 
You should do this at least two times a week if you want to see any results coming. And you need to remember one more thing, you have to be patient. At first you will feel your hair strange, but in a month or even a couple of weeks you will notice the difference.

sobota 21. listopadu 2015

How I cure my dry feet? How to get rid of dry skin your feet?

How I cure my dry feet? How to get rid of dry skin your feet?


We all know that the winter air can be very drying for our skin, especially if you live in a drier region with low humidity or use indoor heating.  It’s also important to nourish your body with lots of healthy fats which are vital for helping the body absorb the skin loving vitamins A, E and D and also for repairing and renewing skin cells.
Wearing the wrong shoes can affect many aspects of foot health. First, your shoes must fit. Shoes that fit too tightly can cause hammer toe, corns, ingrown toenails and general foot pain.
Wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe. Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes day in and day out. Your feet need to breathe in order to retain moisture so try to wear supportive sandals during the summer or other shoes with air pockets. 


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another incredible remedy for dry, cracked feet. It helps moisturize your feet and also fights fungal and bacterial infections, thanks to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.


Mechanical exfoliation means removing the dead top layer of skin in order to treat the underlying layers. You can use a pumice stone, stiff brush or loofah after softening the top layers of skin through soaking.

Amope Pedi Perfect Electronic Pedicure Foot File

This device is battery powered, which is saving you time and arm muscles.  You're supposed to use it on dry skin and only leave it on each area for 3-4 seconds at a time to avoid taking off too much skin. It also has a feature that shuts it off automatically if you press too hard, so a light touch is really all you need. This does all the work for you, which is great. I love this advice. 





Once you have removed the outer layer of dead cells it’s time to add moisture back to the skin. Moisturize immediately after a shower or soaking using a non-alcohol based product to trap the moisture that is on the skin and keep the skin moist. Some moisturisers work to seal in the moisture on your skin and others work by penetrating the skin to the dermal layer. 
My favourite cream is this one by Santee USA, you can find it here





Hema Dead Sea Minerals 

Love this body butter. It makes your skin really nice and moisturise. 



středa 18. listopadu 2015

Healthy Breakfast or Snack/Mix of Nuts

Healthy Breakfast or Snack/Mix of Nuts

Hi Guys, how is everyone? I hope, you are all doing well. I wanted to share with you my favourite breakfast or snack. I love nuts, I really really love them. To be honest, I eat them almost every day. It's just easy snack or breakfast. Sometimes I don't know, what to eat, so I eat nuts. Nuts also contain particular vitamins and minerals that can increase overall health.  You can read below all about each nut. I hope you will like this post because it's something I love to do. 


Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are high in calories, contain good quantities of vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals. The nuts are also a very good source of vitamin-E.


My Favourite nuts are from Careffour. They are the best. 

Walnut Halves

Walnuts contain antioxidants. They're also an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the plant-based form of omega-3, a fatty acid. ALA has been shown to reduce inflammation and may help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and arthritis. 


I also love these nuts, which are from Ikea. 


Hazelnuts are a very good source of vitamin E; they also contain copper and manganese. Copper works with iron to help the body form red blood cells and also keeps blood vessels, nerves, bones and the immune system functioning properly.


Antioxidant-Rich Almonds

Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium. Vitamin E is an antioxidant known to protect the body from tissue damage caused by free radicals, and it also plays a key role in keeping the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria. Magnesium is essential to the body's function, keeping blood pressure normal, bones strong and heart rhythm steady. Calcium helps form and maintain healthy bones.



Pecans contain a healthy helping of monounsaturated fats. They're rich in several antioxidants, substances that may protect cells against the effects of free radicals.




Peanuts have an excellent source of manganese. They also are low in sodium and cholesterol and contain niacin, a type of B vitamin that helps the digestive system, skin and nerves to work well. 

Pine Nuts 

Pine Nuts are a soft nut found inside the cones of various pine trees. They're a good source of vitamin E. They also contain phosphorous, which plays a key role in the formation of bones and teeth, and in how the body uses carbohydrates and fats. 

neděle 15. listopadu 2015

How to Prevent The Under-Eye Concealer from Smudging

How to Prevent The Under-Eye Concealer from Smudging

A lot of women have problems with their under-eye concealer, because it smudges a lot. Seriously, I hate it , when this is happening. Maybe your favourite concealer is the fault your under eye area is smudging. Be careful, what are you using. Do NOT use so much of the powder because it can crease a lot. 

Kim Kardashian West is the best example. Her makeup is always on point. 

Here are my 5 steps:

Step 1
Apply some of the concealer on the back of your hand. You need to make sure that your hands are clean, because otherwise you may spread some bacteria on your face.
Step 2
Use your fingers to make the concealer not so piled up on one place. You need to make sure that you do not forget to do this step because it is an essential one if you do not want your concealer to be creasing.
Step 3
Now get the brush and get some of the concealer that is on your hand, and not the piled-up part, but the thinner one. This way you will not get on your brush too much of the concealer. Apply it under your eyes as usual, spreading it from top to bottom.
Step 4
The last thing you need to do is to work with the powder puff. Get the blotting powder and dip the powder puff in it. Apply it carefully on the same spots you applied the concealer. 
Step 5
It is preferably to use a smaller powder puff, because it will be much more comfortable to you. First you need to dip into the powder, then press the puff once on the spots under your eyes. Then press it lightly on the back of your hand to clean it up a little. And finally press it again under your eyes for the finishing touch.

čtvrtek 12. listopadu 2015

How to Get Long Lashes?

How to Get Long Lashes?

Is there a girl that does not love long lashes? Except from the long hair, women dream of having long lashes. And that is why they put on mascara, and even falsies. I absolutely love long lashes. My sister has long lashes, and I am so jealous of her lashes. I wish I could have long lashes even without Mascara. You can try my homemade mash for your lashes. 

Homemade mask for faster lashes growth
This remedy will help your lashes grow faster by hydrating them well. You know when your hair is strong and well hydrated, it is natural that it grows faster. The same happens with your lashes. You can increase their growth by applying this homemade serum. Here is what you will need:
Vitamin E oil, Castor oil, Coconut oil, and a container. It is preferably to use a jar for the container, because there will be a lid you need to put over it so you can preserve the solution the way it is. And you also do not need a huge amount of these product. You only need a small amount of the oil on your lashes. 


Step 1
Mix the castor oil, the vitamin E oil, and the coconut oil in the jar. You need to have equal amount of them. So, for example, if you apply 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, you need also 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil, and the castor oil. You need to have exactly the same amount of them.
Step 2
Mix the three ingredients well. Before going to sleep put some of the mixture on your lashes. You can use your finger to apply gently the solution, or you can use a clean mascara brush. Dip it into the mixture and apply it on your lashes as if you are applying mascara. You need to be careful not to put any of the mixture in your eyes. Put just a little bit of the product on your lashes. 
Step 3
Do not expect to see any results the first time you try this mask, because it would take it some time. Repeat the procedure at least 7 nights before going to bed, and then you will notice the difference. It takes more than 7 nights to see the difference. It took me almost a 2 months since I saw some difference.  Now I have more healthy lashes than I had before. 

pondělí 9. listopadu 2015

Couscous With Thick Tomato Vegetable Sauce Recipe

Couscous With Thick Tomato Vegetable Sauce Recipe


-       Couscous is one of my favorite side dishes for a few reasons. First off it's very easy to make. Second it's healthy. This whole-grain food is native to northern Africa and is commonly found in Middle Eastern cuisine. Couscous is small pasta made of semolina, a form of wheat. It can be eaten as a side dish, salad or dessert, and you can use it in place of rice or quinoa.

What you need 

  1. Instant couscous - 1 cup
  2. Water - 1 1/4 cup
  3. Tomato puree -2 cups or 400g tins of plum tomatoes
  4. Onions -1/2 cup chopped
  5. Garlic - 1 pod peeled and chopped

  1. Salt 
  2. Chilli powder 
  3. Pepper 
  4. Oregano 
  5. Salt



  •   Prepare the couscous according to the package directions and transfer to a large bowl. But you can prepare it like this:

You should place the couscous in a large bowl and pour over the boiling water. Cover the bowl with cling film and set aside for 5 minutes, or until the water is absorbed, then fluff with a fork.


  • Saute onions and garlic in hot oil in a nonstick skillet until onions soften and begin to brown.
  • Add fresh tomatoes or any kind of fresh vegetable and continue cooking over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  • Add tomato puree, oregano, basil and water and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes longer, until flavours are well blended.
This is the final look, I hope you will like the recipe, because it is my favourite. 

