Beauty Tips & Tricks Every Woman Needs to Know
Create more voluminous lashes with powder
If you want to make your lashes bigger and more voluminous, but you did not know how, just add some powder before you put on your mascara. Do it carefully with a brush and cover all of your lids. This way, after you apply your mascara, your lashes will have a volume like never before. The best part is that the powder will not cause any chunks of mascara clumping on your lashes.
Use baby powder when you have greasy hair
The first day after you have washed your hair it is soft and clean, but on the next day not so much. Of course, you should now wash your hair every day, because this will lead to more oil producing and your hair will be even greasier. But walking around with greasy hair is not such a pretty picture as well. Just use baby powder on your hair. It will absorb any greasiness of your hair and people will be not able to tell whether your hair was not washed the same day. You can use this trick when you are in a hurry.
Use a tooth brush to exfoliate your lips
You know that you have to change your toothbrush every three months. When you buy a new one, however, do not be in a hurry to throw the old one. Just use it as an exfoliating tool. It is important to exfoliate your skin, especially in the winter. Exfoliating helps the blood flow in this body part to increase and can make the skin soft because the old skin cells are removed. You can easily exfoliate your lips and make them puffy and soft with your old toothbrush. Apply some Vaseline on your lips and start rubbing it using the toothbrush. Remember that you need to be gentle and do it slowly.
Shimmery Colour
Apply a shimmery champagne colour in the inner corner of your eyes to brighten your whole face.
Coconut Oil
Use coconut oil as an all-natural eye makeup remover. It’s gentle, yet effective.
Use Lip Liner
Select a liner that is just a fraction of a shade darker than the lipstick you’re using and draw around the outside line of your lips. By applying the darker liner on the outside of the mouth, it will create a subtle 3D effect that makes lips look plumper.
Highlight the Outline
Making the outline of the lips lighter will create the illusion of bringing them forward. Use a highlighter to outline the top lip and the groove that runs from the top of the lip to nose, as well as the Cupid’s bow.