sobota 21. listopadu 2015

How I cure my dry feet? How to get rid of dry skin your feet?

How I cure my dry feet? How to get rid of dry skin your feet?


We all know that the winter air can be very drying for our skin, especially if you live in a drier region with low humidity or use indoor heating.  It’s also important to nourish your body with lots of healthy fats which are vital for helping the body absorb the skin loving vitamins A, E and D and also for repairing and renewing skin cells.
Wearing the wrong shoes can affect many aspects of foot health. First, your shoes must fit. Shoes that fit too tightly can cause hammer toe, corns, ingrown toenails and general foot pain.
Wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe. Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes day in and day out. Your feet need to breathe in order to retain moisture so try to wear supportive sandals during the summer or other shoes with air pockets. 


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another incredible remedy for dry, cracked feet. It helps moisturize your feet and also fights fungal and bacterial infections, thanks to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.


Mechanical exfoliation means removing the dead top layer of skin in order to treat the underlying layers. You can use a pumice stone, stiff brush or loofah after softening the top layers of skin through soaking.

Amope Pedi Perfect Electronic Pedicure Foot File

This device is battery powered, which is saving you time and arm muscles.  You're supposed to use it on dry skin and only leave it on each area for 3-4 seconds at a time to avoid taking off too much skin. It also has a feature that shuts it off automatically if you press too hard, so a light touch is really all you need. This does all the work for you, which is great. I love this advice. 





Once you have removed the outer layer of dead cells it’s time to add moisture back to the skin. Moisturize immediately after a shower or soaking using a non-alcohol based product to trap the moisture that is on the skin and keep the skin moist. Some moisturisers work to seal in the moisture on your skin and others work by penetrating the skin to the dermal layer. 
My favourite cream is this one by Santee USA, you can find it here





Hema Dead Sea Minerals 

Love this body butter. It makes your skin really nice and moisturise. 



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