čtvrtek 29. října 2015

How to Make Your Eyes Look Bigger

           How to Make Your Eyes Look Bigger

Naturally, every woman wants to appear to have big, bold and wide eyes. Bigger eyes make any person look more appealing and more awake. 
But more important is to be confident in your own skin. 

Conceal around the eyes
Any dark circles under the eyes or dark areas around the eyes make them look smaller. Also, they give a tired look.The secret is in the color of the concealer. Don’t forget that it should be at least one shade lighter than your natural tan. Otherwise, it won’t do its magic on you. You can use first a corrector in a lighter color to hide the darkness. Then the real deal is to use  illuminating concealer over the corrector. This will give a glow and very light and awake look and feel.

Lash curler
It is kind of natural that curled eyelashes make your eyes bigger, because they create the right illusion. Sometimes I forget about the lash curler, but it definitely makes your eyes bigger. 
A great way to give your lashes the extra curl is to warm up your lash curler with a hair dryer. But let it cool a bit before using it. 

It is important to get the attention at the crease of the eye. Just because the more the crease is defined, the bigger the eyes will appear. But don’t imagine doing it with black and overdoing in such a way that you get a clown look.
So the trick it to use an eyeshadow that is in a natural colour, that is a natural colour, but slightly darker than your skin, a tone or two. Use a large, fluffy brush to apply the eyeshadow to the crease. 

Eyeliner can be both your friend or your enemy. To be honest, for me it is the most difficult thing. It comes with time. I don't really wear eyeliner but when I do, I wear it to some party or to some important meeting. 
Start at the inner corner of the eye with a thinner line and thicken it out while making your way to the outer corner and then take the line slightly out of the corner of the eye. This will make your eyes appear larger. 

What would we do without mascara? Mascara will give you bigger, bolder and wider eyes. A good option is to use lengthening mascara. Apply as many coats as you like and feel comfortable to be wearing.

úterý 27. října 2015

EXKI Restaurant Review

EXKI Restaurant Review

My absolutely favourite restaurant is Exki, I love it there. I love everything about the Restaurant. You could see my previous post about Thé Du Hammam (the green tea) from Le Palais des Thés, which I have found out in the exki restaurant. If you are in the Belgium, Paris, or in Luxembourg you should totally visit this awesome restaurant. You can find more on their official website . 

neděle 25. října 2015

Natura Siberica: Maska na obličej s okamžitým efektem proti únavě, Recenze

Natura Siberica: Maska na obličej s okamžitým efektem proti únavě, Recenze 

Dneska vám přináším recenzi na dva výrobky od ruské značky Natura Siberica. Se značkou Natura Siberica mám zatím jen malé, i když dobré zkušenosti. 

Jemná a osvěžující maska na obličej Natura Siberica je navržena tak, aby byly okamžitě odstraněny nečistoty a známky únavy na tváři. Maska okamžitě zlepšuje vzhled pleti: přidává záření a svěžest, vyhlazuje a zlepšuje strukturu pokožky, eliminuje příznaky únavy. Vitaminy C, E, F zahrnuté do masky, aktivují intracelulární metabolismus, neutralizují negativní účinky volných radikálů. Ženšen dálněvýchodní tonizuje pokožku a zlepšuje její elasticitu. Biosacharidy hydratují a zvláčňují pokožku.
Způsob použití: Naneste rovnoměrně masku na čistou pokožku. Nechte masku na dobu 10-15 minut, poté opláchněte teplou vodou. Masku používejte 1-2 krát týdně.

Obal masky se mi celkem líbí, balení jejích výrobků jsou ozdobou každé koupelny. Na pleti je opravdu příjemná a nijak nepne ani obličej nevysušuje. Jak název napovídá, masku si nanesete před spaním na vyčištěný obličej a po 10-15 minutách jí opláchnete. Byla jsem upřímně nadšená, když jsem si po použití sáhla na obličej:). Co všechno maska dovede se dočtete na krabičce o kousek níže. Já můžu říct, že je pleť zklidněná, hebká a čistá.
Maska má velmi příjemnou parfemaci, kterou ale neumím k ničemu konkrétnímu přirovnat.

Maska je vhodná pro všechny typy pleti. Líbí se mi, že je pleť po použití jemná a hydratovaná a i v tomto chladnějším počasí mě maska zbavila sušších míst.

Upřímně musím říct, že mi maska maximálně vyhovuje a za tu cenu mi přijde skoro neuvěřitelná.Maska je velice příjemná, dobře se nanáší a krásně voní, stačí nanést malé množství a efekt je znát hned po umytí. Za sebe rozhodně můžu doporučit vyzkoušet.

How to Make Your Lips Look Fuller by Contouring

How to Make Your Lips Look Fuller by Contouring

Step 1
There is a very useful tip you should remember if you want to make your lips look fuller. Before moving on to the actual applying of makeup, you have to always remember to apply concealer on your lips before any other product, like lipstick. You have to blend it well with the parts around your lips so that it does not stick out. It will make them look pale, but do not worry, this is intentionally done.
Step 2
Now choose a lipstick that is in a more noticeable colour, different from your skin tone. Choose some nude but more to brown shade, it is the best option. You can also choose some nude shade, but a little bit darker. 
Step 3
Now comes the most essential part of the contouring. First outline your lips with the lipstick. Then contour them by making 3 small vertical lines on your lower lip. The distance between them should be relatively equal. The line in the middle should be exactly in the center of your lip. 
Step 4
Once this is done, the only thing left to do is to fill the blank spaces on your lips with the same lipstick. Finish by adding lip gloss to make them shine.

pátek 23. října 2015

Bootea 14 Day TeaTox | Review & Results

Bootea 14 Day TeaTox | Review & Results

So after seeing Bootea Teatox posted again and again on my Instagram feed I just had to check it out. I wanted to take some time to test it before writing about it. I have seen Bootea in Amsterdam, in some healthy shop, so I was like this is miracle because I didn't want it to order it from the internet because it is just better to see it with your own eyes and also you can ask about it. The lady told me that it is the last one, so I was like, I need to buy it and try it for you guys. 

There are multiple reasons, why people detox, supposedly you can loose weight, skin will clear up, more energy, better sleep, improved metabolism. I know I eat well, and I also exercise regularly. I also bought it because I love tea, and also I wanted to give you guys a honest review. 

The Bootea 14-day teatox provides you with two weeks’ worth of Bootea tea blend, which means you’ll get 14 bags of daytime tea and 7 bags of night-time tea. These teas are designed to work together to help rid your body of bloating, and the all-natural herbal ingredients gently clean the digestive tract and detoxify the body.

You’ll receive 14 daytime individual tea bags and 7 night cleanses (for every other day before bedtime). The tea actually tastes really good!! I was expecting it to taste of grass and weird herbal stuff. The daytime tea has a strong lemongrass flavor and the night cleanse has peppermint in it. I love both of those flavours, so I really like the tea.

 The Bootea team offers a meal plan to pair with your Teatox, but I chose not to follow it. I didn’t start my teatox with the intention of losing any weight, so rather than focussing on diet food, I just ate normal meals, combined with the tea.

Night-time Teatox 

The night-time teatox has a strong hint of peppermint, not really my favourite taste but it certainly was drinkable and even enjoyable. The Night-time Teatox has a laxative effect, which I have to admit I was pretty scared about. The effect kicks in about 8 hours after consuming your cup, which should be the perfect window for a good night’s sleep. It is advised to drink a lot of water during your Teatox, something which will only add to the positive effects you’re hoping for.


I definitely felt so much lighter throughout my time taking the tea, and as I said above I really enjoyed the taste.
Everyone’s results will be different depending on their start weight and how much of a change in your diet you make throughout the 14 days. These teas won’t even give you killer abs and they won’t squat for you. But they are a nice add-on if you’re looking to lead a healthier lifestyle. 

Overall I will say I was pleasantly surprised at how much the Bootea Textox reduced bloating and in my eyes this product is perfect for those wanting to lose an inch or two to squeeze into that little black dress for an event or special occasion. However it is not a miracle weightloss solution.

pondělí 19. října 2015

Green Tea Review: Thé Du Hammam from Le Palais des Thés

Green Tea Review: Thé Du Hammam from Le Palais des Thés

Hi Guys,

As you know, I love tea, especially green tea. Right know, my favourite tea is from Le Palais des Thés. Their company is amazing. Read below, why Thé Du Hammam is my favourite.

A famous tea company in France, Le Palais des Thés is known for its distinct tea blends made with premium ingredients from around the world. The brand is Created in Paris in 1986.

The Thé du Hammam is an aromatic green tea flavored with roses, dates, berries, and orange flower water, apparently inspired by a Turkish tea blend. Silky-smooth green tea has just enough bitterness to balance the heady floral flavours  but some may find this tea a bit overwhelming.

When I first opened Thé Du Hammam I was amazed by the glorious perfume of the leaves. The smell reminded me strawberries or some exotic fruit.